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[2020] Groningen Grid

This experiment-turned-map is one of the more colorful and stranger maps I made. I wanted to create a vibrant city map of some place familiar to me: Groningen.

Now, this abstract city map has a certain ruleset:
  • All roads need to adhere to either horizontal, vertical or 45º angles.
  • All street connections need to be in their proper order and places, the lengths of streets are of lesser importance.
This results in some funny angles and a completely different look to this, otherwise, rounded and somewhat chaotic medieval city center. Groningen ended up looking like an SD card.

I illustrated all the landmarks in simple outlines. If the layout allowed it, I would draw it from the side in 2D. However, some buildings required a more 2.5D approach, or needed to be drawn from above. It's a bit of a stylistic mish-mash in that sense. The colors are varied, as well, to offer some contrast.

The original was released as a gift, I think for new years. It came folded and on A2. However, I also started selling this map for a while, I think. And I even though hardly ever one orders one, there is an updated version!


Here's an earlier version with muted "city like" colors, that I quickly abandoned.

Screenshot 2024-05-07 at 11.09.40-sqd.jpg

Screenshot 2024-05-07 at 11.09.49-sqd.jpg

This is a halfway version, with (again) city colors. But something was missing. It lacked texture, it lacked pazzazz. So I switched it up and went for something far more vibrant in the end.